Chef's Recipes

Luca's peppers with spinach and salt cod

This tasty combination of salt cod, charred capsicum and spinach makes the perfect antipasto dish.

By Isaac McHale
  • 40 mins preparation
  • 30 mins cooking plus soaking
  • Serves 4
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"This is a light antipasti dish, served slightly warm," says Luca chef Isaac McHale. "I love peppers and this summer we preserved 100kg of organic peppers at The Clove Club to ready ourselves for Luca opening." Begin this recipe a day ahead to soak the cod.


  • 100 gm salt cod, to serve (see note)
  • 4 red capsicum
  • 2 bunches spinach on the stem (500gm)
  • 80 ml extra-virgin olive oil (⅓ cup)
  • 1 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp caster sugar
  • A sprig of marjoram
  • 30 gm golden raisins, plumped up in 60ml boiling water, then drained


  • 1
    To prepare the cod, soak it in cold water in the refrigerator for 24 hours, changing the water 4 times. Drain and bring to a simmer in a large saucepan of water until tender (30 minutes). Strain and flake fish, discarding skin and bones.
  • 2
    Blacken 3 capsicum over a gas burner on a high flame, turning until charred all over (20-25 minutes; or do this in a 220C oven). Place in a bowl, cover bowl tightly with plastic wrap and stand to steam for 15 minutes. Quarter capsicum, discard skin and seeds.
  • 3
    Blanch spinach on the stem in a saucepan of boiling salted water (40 seconds; see note) and refresh in iced water.
  • 4
    Juice the remaining capsicum in a juicer or blender with a tiny amount of water, then strain into a bowl. Add olive oil, red wine vinegar, sugar, and a pinch of salt.
  • 5
    Warm roasted capsicum pieces in a saucepan over low heat with marjoram and a splash of the vinaigrette (1-2 minutes). Add raisins and spinach and stir to warm through (30-40 seconds; you don't want this hot, just warm). Carefully lift the blanched spinach and capsicum pieces onto a plate, laying them all out flat. Spoon the dressing over, top with torn pieces of salt cod and serve.


Salt cod is available from fishmongers. To blanch an ingredient, cook it briefly in boiling water, the drain it. To refresh it, plunge it in plenty of iced water (this stops the cooking process), then drain it.
Drink Suggestion: An orange wine with concentration and a touch of structure. Drink suggestion by Johnny Smith